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Are you struggling to advance in your career, even when you’re doing everything right? The issue might not be your work but how you’re perceived. Learn to harness your influence, navigate workplace dynamics, and climb the ladder with newfound confidence.



“Power and performance together will get you much further ahead than either one separately."

1️⃣ Rule 1: Get Out of Your Own Way

To achieve true success, you need both power and performance working together. Many people struggle with self-promotion, but downplaying your accomplishments can hold you back and make you doubt your own abilities. This chapter focuses on how to develop a mindset of power and competence, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and pursue power intentionally without worrying about authenticity or being liked.

Mindset Matters

The way you view yourself greatly affects how others see you. If you think of yourself as powerful and deserving of success, you’ll project that confidence and influence others.

A powerful mindset helps you take control of your career and ensures that your achievements are recognized.

Persistence Matters

Building power takes time and effort. Along the way, you will face criticism, obstacles, and setbacks—but persistence is key.